Internet Safety: FREE Advice for Safe Scrolling

July 11, 2023
A guest blog by Hailey Kanipe, MPH, CPS, ICPS, Prevention Specialist.

The creation of the internet brought with it opportunities to share information instantly and connect with people all over the world.

However, it also brought identity theft, criminal activity, and access to harmful information. When used safely, the internet can be a fantastic asset, but it only takes one click for things to go wrong. That’s why knowing how to stay safe when using technology like cell phones, computers, and tablets is important.

Protect your passwords.
Protect your passwords! Never share your password with others, and always keep your passwords in a secure location (not in a note on your phone!). Use strong passwords that contain phrases combining uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Make sure you’re using a different password for multiple accounts! Turn on multi-factor identification for log-in (you must have a password and a code that is usually emailed or sent to your phone via text when logging in).
avoid clickbait
Avoid clickbait at all costs! Have you ever scrolled the web or social media and seen an article titled “Woman loses 220 pounds in 60 days. She only changed one thing…?” These articles are almost always clickbait. This means that the person who writes the article is trying to grab your attention with something exciting and often “too-good-to-be-true” to get you to click on their link. Once you click the link, they steal your personal information or download a virus onto your computer.
never click on links in suspicious emails.
Never click on links in suspicious emails! Have you ever received an email from your CEO stating that there is an emergency and they need you to send over information for the company credit card immediately? If you don’t work directly with the CEO daily, this email is spam. If you need clarification, always contact your IT department or the person who sent the email by phone to double-check. NEVER send sensitive information via email! Hackers can use this to steal patient information or your personal information and hold this data for ransom until they receive large sums of money. This can put you and your company at risk. Always click on the name of the person sending the email and double-check the email address where the email is coming from. Often, it is from someone else and is a random email address
sensitive information on public wi-fi networks
Don’t log in to banking apps or other sensitive information while using a public Wi-Fi network. These networks are not secure, and others using the network may be able to access and steal your information.
looking for information on the web?
Looking for information on the web? Stick to reputable sources from local and national organizations for the most accurate, unbiased information.

LRADAC is the designated alcohol abuse and drug abuse authority for Lexington and Richland Counties of South Carolina. The public, not-for-profit agency offers a wide array of prevention, intervention and treatment programs in locations convenient to residents of both counties. The agency has a budget of approximately $10 million and serves more than 5,000 clients per year.